Sunday, October 11, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Two months
Mathios has been with us for two months! I honestly am having a hard time believing that because it feels like he's been a part of us forever. But then I have moments that remind me that he lived without us for the first 14 months of his life. It's apparent to me when I am putting away laundry and make a of stack of clothes that he's outgrown. But those first pajamas that he wore aren't tiny little newborn ones, they are a 9 month sleeper. It's at the forefront of my mind when I go to a birthday party and remember that Mati celebrated his first birthday without us. I think of his life before us when I'm checking out the teeth he's cutting but see the four he had when we picked him up and not knowing when he got them or which was his first one.
There's a lot we don't know about him and where he's been, but we know that he belongs with us We know that he's a perfect fit for our family. We know that he has an amazing sense of humor and loves to make us laugh and smile. I know that he just learned how to give kisses last week and he's very proud of himself when he shares his slobbery kisses with you. I know that he is walking now and can stand up from the ground without pulling himself up on anything. I know that he loves music and dances at any opportunity. I know that he loves to chew on toys and likes to walk around with a wooden peg in his mouth (so safe, I know!). I know that he loves to cuddle with his mama and get his head rubbed as he's settling down to sleep. I know his cries and his smiles and his laughs. I know when he's tired and when he's hungry and when he just needs a hug.
And most importantly, I know he's mine.
Posted by Kate at 12:50 PM 3 comments
Labels: heart check, our boy
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Brother and sister
Can you even stand it?!! I can't! Mati loves to hold Haven's hand in the car. Last night he fussed at her until she gave her hand to him and then cried when she took it away. He loves his big sister! And there's no doubt she loves him- almost too much sometimes!
We are so blessed by these sweet kids!
Posted by Kate at 11:02 AM 2 comments
Labels: pictogram
Saturday, September 12, 2009
And they're off!
Posted by Kate at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
One month a few days
One month home with this sweet boy. Mati is a happy guy for the most part unless he's not feeling well and then nobody's happy! Unfortunately he's not been feeling great lately, but hopefully we're on the upswing. We had a follow-up appointment at the International Adoption Clinic this week and went over all the labwork we had done when we first got home. Nothing too interesting to report other then the fact that Mati did indeed have chicken pox. We thought he must have because he has several scars on his face and back, but we were assured that he didn't. His bloodwork proves otherwise. One less vaccination to get! Once again, we were so pleased with the care we've received at the IAC and would highly recommend them to anyone adopting.
We've learned a lot about Mati in the last month. Here's just a few things...
Loves: bananas, applesauce, cheese, milk, goldfish, peas, waving hi, "talking" to Cale on the phone,
Dislikes: cantaloupe, getting told "no", when Haven walks away after playing with him,
And guess who started walking??!!! He took his first steps last Saturday and has taken a few more each day. Definitely not proficient, but it's amazing how far he's come in just one month. Our boy is growing up!
Posted by Kate at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Officially official
Yesterday we headed out early to go to our local county courthouse to re-adopt Mathios. It turns out that this is probably the simplest thing we've had to do for our entire adoption! We filled out a few forms, wrote them a check and a few signatures, stamps and seals later it was done. Mati's legal name is now Mathios Jon Kumalo Zeune and it was accomplished exactly one month from when we first met!
Unfortunately this is just the first part of a long succession of paperwork that awaits us. We still need birth certificates, citizenship paperwork and a social security number. But one thing at a time! And we'll take this small victory and celebrate that he is ours (again!)!
Posted by Kate at 12:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: logistics
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Three weeks home
I have thoroughly enjoyed following along with other adoptive families and their journey to bring their kids home. From the paper pregnancy, referral, court dates and travel...especially the travel and hearing about meeting their kids for the first time. But then people come home and they quit updating. I never understood that! Don't they know that I'm still interested and want to know how their doing?!
And then I adopted a little boy and came home and quit updating. I fear that the lack of updating makes it appear that we are not doing well; that our adjustment has been rough and we're frazzled and crazy. None of that is really the case! Is life busier? You bet it is, but in the best possible way! We have adjusted very well to being a family of four and Haven is pretty much the best big sister their is. She loves Mati like nobody's business. The other day he was fussing about something and she came up to him and said, "You miss your other mommy, don't you buddy? It's okay. You've got the Zeunes now and we'll be your family forever! We love you!" She is too much!
Mathios is just a great baby. He's been sick the last week or so and has not been his usual good natured self, but even not feeling good, he is a sweet boy! He continues to eat like a champ and in his first three weeks home has gained 1.5 lbs. He loves fruits and vegetables and will cry if someone is eating a banana and not sharing with him! He loves the pool, walks in the stroller and climbing up the stairs. He calls Kate mama and is picking up sign language quickly. He is also a big "talker" and sits in his high chair jabbering away during the entire meal. I think he's trying to keep up with his equally talkative sister!
We hope to put some new pictures up soon. We've had a camera malfunction and hope to get that taken care of this week sometime. We do have some up on another site so if you're interested in seeing them comment on this post and we'll send you the link.
Posted by Kate at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
A week of firsts
Mati's had a big week. So many firsts, all in just 6 days time!
-bath with Haven
-lunch at Chick-fil-A-visit to the park
Posted by Kate at 5:35 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Getting adjusted
Posted by Kate at 8:42 AM 1 comments
Labels: our boy
Saturday, July 25, 2009
After three flights, 31 hours of travel and not much sleep we made it home! We arrived in Cincinnati around four yesterday and made it home just before six. It was SO amazing to see Haven and introduce her to her brother. Several of our friends also stopped by to meet Mathios and celebrate our homecoming. Thanks for praying us safely home...more to come!
Posted by Kate at 11:46 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Ethiopia: Day 5
This afternoon we hung out here while Mathios slept and then we went with a few other families to do a bit more shopping. The whole point of the trip was to go to a spice shop and I still don't know how that never happened. Transportation has been interesting this week! Everything was crazy today as people were going in a million different directions including back to the embassy. Praise the Lord that our two families that had delays at the embassy yesterday got everything worked out and will be leaving with us tomorrow.
Tonight we ate dinner in our room instead of having pizza again here at the guest house. Easy mac and tuna salad- yum! M ate spaghettios and he was a big fan! He's been eating so well. Thank you to everyone who prayed for that! The guys were supposed to have a guys night out tonight but our guide never showed up so they just sat around downstairs talking. I was planning on reading and relaxing while they were gone, but our suitemate, Sara, and I got talking and that was time much better spent. We are going to miss Shawn and Sara- they have been the best!
And now were headed to bed. I thought today would drag by, but it hasn't at all. I can't believe this is our last night here! Tomorrow morning we are going to visit a coffee factory and we'll be purchasing the coffee we promised some of you! We leave for the airport around 4:30 for our 7:30 flight to Dubai. A brief layover there and then a 2:30am flight back across the world! We land at JFK around 7:30am Saturday morning and will arrive back in Cincinnati around 4pm after a painful layover in NY. Please pray for the Lord to shower us with grace, perseverance and patience for our travels. We are so ready to be home and hope that the trip isn't as painful as we're expecting! So this will probably be it from Ethiopia. You'll hear from us again when we are safely home!
Posted by Kate at 1:05 PM 11 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ethiopia: Day 4 - Embassy
At noon the bus left for the embassy so we could get him a visa. After multiple metal detector screenings and various waiting rooms, we spent about 2 minutes with a representative from the consulate who asked us a few questions about our experience with the adoption process. After all 6 of our families waited and had interviews, we left (about two hours). Unfortunately, two of the families in our group are still awaiting paperwork from the states and will have to come back tomorrow and hopefully will be able to leave the country on Friday - pray for them. After the embassy visit we stopped at a few various shops. We picked up an Ethiopian national team soccer jersey, a parallel Bible (Amharic next to English), and a kid's Bible in Amharic. We got back to the guest house and hung out for a while before dinner. We got M to laugh and smile for us finally and when we left him to play down on the floor by himself he started crawling around. We just think that he's not used to being watched all the time like we've been doing!
There has been a major transformation in him in the past 24 hours. When he is with us (alone) he'll babble on and on, reach for things, crawl around, laugh here and there at us, and just engage with us. He's still reserved when others are around, but is opening up to us. We're so thankful for what the Lord is doing in our family. We can't wait to be home and all together again. Saturday evening is getting closer and closer!
Not much on the agenda for tomorrow. We might go visit two of the orphanages America World works with, but haven't decided what to do. We are really enjoying our suitemates and their little boy. Everyone in our group is wonderful and we are thankful to share this amazing
experience with them.
Posted by Kate at 11:03 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ethiopia: Day 3
After we got our bags we got dropped off at the guest house so we could put on clean clothes- hooray!- and get things in order for Mathios. We missed out on lunch with the group, but our Easy Mac came to the rescue. We got picked up and headed over to the Transition Home. We had photo releases for five different families so we had lots of kids to take pictures of and love on. Cale was out taking care of our 2 large donation bags and I was in the house holding Mathios and they just started bringing the kids out! It was a little crazy as I'm trying to hold onto M and get the other babies to smile while I took pictures. Thankfully he came back midway through the second child and we were able to tag team. It was wonderful for us to be able to meet all of these kids and spend a little time with them and love on them for their parents. (And if you're one of those parents- pictures and info coming soon!)
We had almost an hour at the Transition Home before the rest of the group got there. It was nice because although it was busy, it would have been a lot more hectic with five other families there! Our poor guy is super congested and was just not feeling well this afternoon so he was actually kind of fussy. But he managed just fine. We got to talk with the main nurse at the TH and hear a little more about his health and go over his "schedule". Nothing we didn't know, but it was still good to talk with her. So we spent the rest of the afternoon just playing with Mathios, the other babies and talking with the nannies. Right before we left, Mathios finally fell asleep in his mama's arms and rode away from the TH without even knowing it. Leaving there was really emotional. Knowing that has been his home and that they have taken such good care of him. One of the little girls in our group had a hard time leaving. She cried out for her nanny over and over and over. It was heartbreaking.
When we got back to the guest house we put Mathios down in his little cradle- and I do mean little- it's like a doll cradle! He slept and slept and slept. We finally woke him at 6:45 so we could eat dinner. He had a hard time waking up and was not too happy with us! We then were even more mean and put him in the sink for a quick bath. He didn't like it at all, but I think it was just too cold for him. But we got him all snuggled up in a towel and then he peed on Cale through the towel! On his clean jeans! Oh well! We mixed up a bottle for him of milk (he's been on a special formula and this was an experiment) and he ate a few ounces and then packed away rice, a few bites of carrots, some pizza and some Cheerios. Today was the birthday of one of the guys in our travel group so we enjoyed some cake and then came up to play with Mathios in our room.
Mathios is VERY reserved. No smiles or even almost-smiles today. But, two different times when Cale walked away or left the room he immediately started crying. That's a great sign! And once he even responded when Cale asked where's mama by looking right at me. We made fools of ourselves trying to fix his special formula tonight and made a mess of the kitchen, melted a plastic water bottle and still didn't end up with anything consumable. So we gave him more real milk and he downed it. Fell asleep drinking it and was totally out when we were trying to burp him. Apparently we kept him up waaay past his bedtime! Noted. He went right down in his bed and hasn't made a peep. Well, some coughing, but that's it.
It has been an amazing day and it just blows us away that our son is asleep in the next room! I don't know when it will really sink in that this is it...he is here...he is ours! We are loving every minute of it and just getting to know him. He does babble a little bit and his voice is soft except for when he's crying. Then watch out! Just like his big sister! He's still rather elusive to us, but we're loving it. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments and emails. Thanks for journeying with us!
Posted by Kate at 1:12 PM 3 comments
Bags and a boy!
Praise the Lord we got our bags this morning! And we leave in 30
minutes to get our boy!
Posted by Kate at 2:43 AM 3 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ethiopia: Day 2 - We Meet Our Son!!!
We awoke this morning at 8:30 after a drug induced sleep; for some reason the fact that we've only slept less than about 10 hours in the past three days didn't help us sleep the night through. we awoke at about 3am and decided to get some help from our friend Ambien. We had breakfast here at the guest house then filled out all of the paperwork for our embassy visit on wednesday. Next stop was Lucy's restaurant near the Ethiopian national museum (which houses the famous fossilized remains of an early human). It was quite delicious; Cale had an indian dish, and kate had pasta with chicken. After that it was off to the transition home (TH) in the pouring rain. We got sidetracked when the road was blocked because a senior member of government was headed to the airport along our route. Eventually we saw the America World sign and our hearts started racing!
They opened the gate for us and took us up on the porch. They started bringing out the kids one by one in fairly rapid succession. We were last (alphabetical order, of course) but were surprised because we were watching the other families and video taping for some of them, so unfortunately we didn't capture the moment with our video camera. Cale had actually seen him through the window (his distinctive head profile!) as they were preparing to bring the kids out, but wasn't sure it was him due to the fact that he was wearing a white pajamas with large pink flowers. Sure enough, it was him. We should have expected it, as most of the other pictures from there have featured him in girly attire. That will surely change tomorrow.
He is such a handsome, beautiful little boy! I'm struggling with words to describe him here. He has quite a belly on him and definitely weighs more that 14 pounds. The must really have been pumping him full of formula. The emailed us on Friday and told us that he has been eating better and the took out the feeding tube, thankfully. Praise the Lord for that. He sat with Kate and drank about 6 ounces of formula - he downed it in about 10 minutes. He was generally chill and
liked to snuggle. His nanny would swing by periodically and call his name and coo at him and he would light up. He started to warm up and we got a few almost-smiles out of him. We only spent two hours there; it went by quickly. We are so thankful that the Lord has done this.
Can't wait until tomorrow when we can take him with us! We also get some time with the other children at the TH and to talk with the nannies/nurse about the details of his care.
After we left the ladies had some time at a spa (quite a jump considering what Kate had just experienced), while the guys got to go to a bookstore. After a quick stop back at the guest house, we headed out for a traditional Ethiopian dinner, complete with honey wine, music, and syncopated dancing. Words cannot describe... you'll have to see the video sometime. After about an hour and a half the tired, emotionally drained ground headed back to the guest house. Today was Monday, so the power was out in this neighborhood; here at the guest house they run a generator in the evenings, so were are able to send this update!
We did get some good news that our lost luggage will be arriving tomorrow around lunch time. Thanks for praying. An amazing, wonderful, exhausting day that we will never, ever forget! Praise the Lord!
Posted by Kate at 1:39 PM 5 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Ethiopia: Day 1
We arrived in Ethiopia around 11am today. When we went to board our flight we were notified that we had been upgraded to business class. It was a great way to start the day! When we settled into our seats the other person in our row said, "Are you Kate?" It was one of our America World families who recognized me from the blog. So Allison and I spent part of the flight talking and getting to know each other. I could get used to the business class life- it was wonderful!
We were right at the front of the plane so we were quick to get in line for our visas and exchanged money very easily. After we passed through passport control we went to baggage claim. We kept waiting and waiting for our bags to come out. And then we waited some more. Two of our four bags arrived safely and we're not too sure where the others are. Unfortunately for our physical comfort, the two bags missing are the suitcases that contain all of our clothes and
everything I brought for Mathios. We filed a claim, tried not to get too upset and are praying that they will arrive on the flight from Dubai tomorrow morning. Please pray that they get here!
We were met at the airport by the tour company that works with our agency and were brought to the guest house. It's comfortable and clean and we have wonderful suitemates. We have private bed and baths and share a common area with a kitchenette. Sara and Shane, our suitemates, invited us to go sightseeing this afternoon. So just a few hours after we arrived we were driving through the wild streets of Addis Ababa up to Entoto Mountain. We visited a small Ethiopian museum (had a great tour guide), saw the oldest Orthodox Church in Addis Ababa and walked through the old "palace grounds." The views from the top were breathtaking and the history of this country is amazing. It was a great way to spend our first afternoon in Ethiopia.
As you can see, we have internet access and we're so thankful for that. This emailed post is coming to you from the comfort our own room. We just finished up dinner and are ready for bed. The last 2.5 days have been exhausting and we've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow! About the time you are getting up, eating breakfast and starting your day we will be meeting Mathios! We are truly amazed that this day has finally come. So what if we don't have clean clothes to wear- we get to meet our boy! Let's see if I can keep this attitude tomorrow if the bags don't come!
We're doing well, though we're pretty exhausted from traveling and now suddenly being at 8,000 feet or so of elevation. Hopefully a good night of sleep awaits us; we know that tomorrow will be great!
Posted by Kate at 10:59 AM 4 comments
Dubai: Millenium Hotel
Friday was the longest day of our life! Saying goodbye to Haven and life as we have known it for the last three years was every bit as hard as we imagined it would be. Haven did well talking about leaving these last few days and was ready to load up the minute Traci got there. But when we buckled her in her car seat, reality hit our sweet girl hard and she just couldn't stop crying. It didn't help that Kate was a wreck and they just sat there tears mingling together for a few moments. The windows were down as the drove away and Haven's poor sad wails still make our hearts ache. Traci said that she really did well the rest of the afternoon, especially considering what was going on. We are so thankful for that amazing girl the Lord's given us.
Our travels have been relatively uneventful to date. An easy flight from Cincinnati to JFK. Loathed JFK and it's ridiculous lay out. But we found some decent dinner and then just sat to wait. And wait. And wait some more. It was painful and Kate was really struggling. it didn't help that once we got on the plane and settled in we had another hour and a half ground delay. We did a lot of praying and through a few different things Kate was very aware that her struggles weren't just about missing Haven or being anxious about flights- it was a true spiritual battle. So we prayed some more and Kate prayed and journaled and listened to worship music. The Lord, in His grace, finally brought peace to our hearts, settled upset stomachs and gave our minds rest. By the way- Kate's soundtrack for this time was Travis Cottrell "Jesus Saves Live" and it was so appopriate! I wouldn't have thought this CD would be my favorite style, but the Lord has used it so many times in the short span we've had it.(The upset stomachs returned when they started serving curry for dinner at 2am. Kate slept with her sweatshirt over her head to block out the smell! And she even likes curry- just not at the hour!)
So now we're here in Dubai, getting ready to leave in a few short hours. We definitely have a countdown to Mathios running in our minds. 36 hours til we see our son's face! Praise the Lord!
Posted by Kate at 2:54 AM 3 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
We and 300 or so
We and 300 or so of our closest friends are boading a jet for a 13 hour flight to Dubai. Goodbye USA! See you on the other side...
Posted by Kate at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We have had several people ask us what our trip is going to look like so we thought it would be helpful to post our itinerary for you. Here goes:
Friday 17 July 09: We are flying out of Cincinnati. We fly to New York and will have an overnight flight to Dubai. Thirteen hours. Oy.
Saturday 18 July 09: We arrive in Dubai at 7pm local time and will spend the night at a hotel. Thanks, Emirates!
Sunday 19 July 09: Depart Dubai in the morning and arrive in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia around noon. We will go to our hotel and have the rest of the day to get acclimated.
Monday 20 July 09: We will have a huge paperwork meeting with all the other America World families in country preparing for our Embassy appointments later in the week. That afternoon we get to meet Mathios!!! We'll spend a few hours with him at the Transition Home and that night will have a special Ethiopian meal with all our travelling families.
Tuesday 21 July 09: We will have free time in the morning and that afternoon will get to go pick up Mathios for good! We'll spend several hours at the Transition Home, taking photos for a few other waiting families and loving on their kids and will have a traditional coffee ceremony with the nannies. Then back to our hotel for the evening.
Wednesday 22 July 09: We have a free morning before heading to the Embassy that afternoon. Each family gets called in one-by-one to be interviewed and I think having a last name that starts with Z will once again not be helpful. Could be a long afternoon for all of us!
Thursday 23 July 09: We have the opportunity to go visit two of the orphanages that America World works with in the city. We aren't sure what we will do yet, it depends on how Mathios is doing, but we hope to visit at least one of them. And word is that there is some sort of Guys Night planned for this evening!
Friday 24 July 09: We don't know exactly what is planned for Friday, but again, we can choose to do whatever we want. We might try to see some sites if we have the time, but we'll just have to be flexible. We depart Addis at 8pm headed back to Dubai.
Saturday 25 July 09: We'll start our day in Dubai and too many hours later will land in Cincinnati at 4pm. Home again, home again, jiggety jig! Hopefully we will be united as a family of four (and joined by several other family members and friends) by 6:30pm!
That's a lot going on for 8 days! It's going to be an amazing, life-changing trip! Pray for us!
Posted by Kate at 7:30 PM 4 comments
Labels: details
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
An adoption party
One night last week, some sweet friends of mine and Amber's threw us an adoption party. It was a wonderful night and I left being so thankful for all these women who are so excited about the little boy getting ready to come home with us. The girls thought of everything and made prayer cards with our pictures for all in attendance, had an Ethiopia quiz, and had us share our adoption journeys by asking a series of questions. The food was delicious and the gifts were abundant. It was a wonderful night!
Posted by Kate at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: our boy
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Six days...
We are leaving to go get Mathios in six days! The last week of our life has been absolutely crazy. We found out late last week that Mathios has continued to have feeding issues and they have put him on an NG feeding tube. Of course this greatly worried us so we decided to take advantage of the resources at the International Adoption Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. We have been able to talk with the doctor there and she's helped us formulate a game plan for getting him home. We were encouraged this week to find out that he has started to eat some food again, but don't know what the situation will be once we get there. So we are preparing for the worst (which includes the two of us knowing how to put in and care for the NG tube!) and hoping for the best. We are so thankful for the support from the IAC and will do Mathios' follow-up care there when we get home.
We didn't receive our concrete travel dates until Tuesday and didn't realize what a miracle it was until later in the day. On Tuesday afternoon we were informed that the agency that handles all the paperwork and processing for adoptions in Ethiopia was suddenly shutting down for two weeks for training- effective immediately! Our agency's staff worked diligently after business hours ensuring that our final piece of paperwork was complete, thus enabling us to travel next week. It is truly miraculous! There was at least one other family that was supposed to be in our travel group that didn't get the necessary paperwork completed and their travel was put off until mid-August. We are praising the Lord that now is the time for us to bring our son home!
In between all the phone calls, doctor appointments, shopping, laundry, list making, packing and preparing to leave we've also been trying to make the most of our last few days as a family of three. Haven is so excited to have her brother here, but the anticipation of being apart from us has been hard for her. Please pray for her little heart!
So we leave in six days and we'll be ready. We have a few transportation details to work out and I'm sure we'll be at the store a few more times picking up "just one more thing". But come Friday, we'll have five suitcases packed and our hearts set toward Ethiopia. Can't wait!
By the way, you can sign up on the right hand side to have our blog updates delivered to your inbox. We will be posting as much as we can in Ethiopia and we'd love for you to follow along with us!
Posted by Kate at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What's in a name?
Mathios Jon Kumalo Zeune.
Quite a mouthful isn't it?
Mathios: Amharic version of the name Matthew which means 'gift from God.'
Jon: Named after his grandfather and means 'God is gracious.'
Kumalo: His birth father's first name and this is his given last name by Ethiopian custom.
Zeune: Self explanatory. We didn't get to pick this one!
Mathios was named by his birth parents. Since the very start of our adoption process we have been certain that we would keep our child's given name. There were a few small caveats to this decision, but we felt very strongly about keeping his given name. The Lord knew our hearts about this and could not have given us a more aptly named child!
In Ethiopia, names take on even more significance, especially for boys, then they do here in the US. When a man has a child, the father's first name becomes the child's last name. There is no family name, but the father's first name is passed on only to the next generation. Our understanding of this cultural practice and the great emphasis placed on naming children in Ethiopia makes us appreciate our son's given name even more.
Now that we know a little bit about Mathios's birth parents and their background, knowing that they named him "gift from God" is amazing to us. He is indeed a loved little boy! He is certainly a gift to us and to our family! Our children both have two middle names, as do several of our nieces and nephews. We love this idea and of being able to honor both sides of our families and carry on those family names. There was no question that our first born son would be named after my dad, Jon and the meaning of that name is even more profound as we have been overwhelmed by God's grace in bringing Mathios into our family. We decided to keep Kumalo as his second middle name as a way of showing respect to his birth family and to his Ethiopian heritage. And well, then there's Zeune. Enough said.
And in case you were wondering, Mathios is pronounced Math-e-os. Or at least that's how we are pronouncing it! We think it is relatively correct based on our extensive internet research!
What's in a name? In this case, a lot!
Posted by Kate at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: our boy
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
He is a Z!
Posted by Kate at 7:34 AM 18 comments
Labels: our boy
Friday, June 26, 2009
Yesterday we received our Tentative Travel Dates (TTD) from our agency. Emphasis on the tentative! IF, and it feels like a big IF, we pass court on Tuesday, June 30, then we will travel to pick up our boy July 18-25. We have just started looking into flights and travel arrangements and hope that we will be able to get those nailed down next week IF we pass court.
Please be praying for our court date on Monday. Because of the time difference, our court appointment will actually occur in the night as we are (hopefully peacefully) sleeping. We are praying to wake up to a phone call that we passed! We can not wait to introduce you to our son!
Posted by Kate at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: logistics
Monday, June 22, 2009
Referral Day!
I realize that our we received our referral over three weeks ago, so this post might seem a bit out of sync. However, I have been meaning to write about our referral phone call and just haven't sat down to do it until now. So here's how it went...
The night before our referral found Cale and I both with heavy hearts. We had trouble sleeping and had spent quite a bit of time that night talking and praying and crying (well, I did) because it just didn't seem like we were going to get our referral. Remember this post? Yeah, that's where I was at. The previous weeks I had not let my cell phone out of site because I felt like we could get the call at any moment. On that Friday, I didn't really care. I had resolved myself that it just wasn't going to happen so I went about my day like it was any other Friday.
Haven was taking a nap and I had just come in from outside where I had been working on my Beth Moore bible study "Esther". That day's lesson was so appropriate- about things that cause us great distress and the way we choose to not enjoy the rest that we have been given through Jesus. I came inside to look something up on the computer. I had just sat down on the couch when our home phone started ringing. I found that irritating because it booted me offline. So I'm sitting here waiting for whoever is calling to hang up so I can finish up on the computer when I hear through the answering machine the caller say "America World." I flew into the kitchen and picked up the phone right before the family coordinator hung up!
She said, "Kathleen? I have good news for you. This is your referral call!" To say I was stunned wouldn't begin to cover it. Thankfully I was standing next to the kitchen counter because my legs just about gave out. I replied, "Are you kidding me? Shut up! No way! Shut up!" She laughed at me and then asked how to get Cale on the phone with us. While she was conferencing Cale in I totally lost it. I just starting sobbing because I couldn't believe this was happening. When Cale came on the phone she told us all the information that she could about our sweet boy. I was furiously trying to write down everything she said because I didn't want to miss a word of it. I was thoroughly wrapped up in the moment. Always calm Cale had the wisdom to ask practical questions that I never would have thought of.
The family coordinator hung up and Cale and I were left on the line. We were shocked and all I said to him was that he better already be on his way home. We had always planned that after we got the call he would come home so we could open our email that included the baby's pictures together. He was walking out the door as we got off the phone.
Again, I just lost it! Crying so hard I could barely talk I called Amber. I hardly managed to get out, "We got the call!" She said, "WHAT????" And started sobbing with me! We were a wreck! We finally gained enough composure of ourselves so she could ask and I could answer all the pertinent questions. We were now laughing/crying because neither one of us could believe it! I called my mom and repeated this scenario. Cale was still not home and I had our referral email staring at me from our email inbox. I can not tell you the depth of self control required to not open it before Cale got here! Thankfully Haven woke up just then and distracted me for a few minutes. I greeted her from her nap with the good news! She jumped off the steps into my arms hollering, "Yay! Yay! Yay! My brother!"
Cale arrived home and we all sat on the couch to open our email. If we had been expecting our call to happen we might have been better prepared to document ourselves seeing our son's face for the first time. But we weren't! So in my mind I will always remember seeing his beautiful face for the first time and being completely overwhelmed that I was looking at my son. I, of course, sat and bawled in Cale's lap! It was an amazing moment.
Then the phone-a-rama started! Lots of calls to make and people to share our news with. I tried to call my brothers and sister-in-laws and no one answered the phone. On to a few friends and again with the voicemail. Serious buzz kill when I am jumping out of my skin with this news! Then of course everyone started calling me back at the same time. The next hour was so full of joy as we talked to family and friends and told them the good news. Haven kept wanting to tell people "the good news" and was mad when I told her I already shared it with them!
We were supposed to babysit the Wing kids that evening, but of course Amber refused to let us. So we decided to go out and celebrate with them instead. We took the kids to Chick-fil-a and walked around the "arburritos" (or the arboretum, you decide.) It was a fun night celebrating with good friends who were almost as excited as we were! We kept the celebration going by swinging by Matt and Traci's house to show them our boy's picture and recount the day's happenings. It was such a blessing to be able to share this day with people who have walked through this whole process with us!
We crawled into bed that night with M's picture on my nightstand, laughing at the difference 24 hours can make!
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Posted by Kate at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: referral
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Good news and some not so good news
Let's start with the good news first, shall we? We got our court date set yesterday! June 30! Please join us in praying that we will pass court the first time around and be able to travel 2-3 weeks later. We haven't yet received our tentative travel dates, but that is the approximate time frame that we are working with.
And the not so good news...we received an email yesterday from the family that was taking a care package to M and found out that he has not been eating well. He has become dehydrated and has been placed on an IV (in his forehead- poor baby!). We've been in contact with our family coordinator and she is trying to get us some more information about how he's doing. So many of the children that come through the Transition Home (which is where M is right now) have trouble with eating and spend some time on an IV during their stay there. Our family coordinator said that while it is alarming to us, it is fairly standard procedure over there and that's why we haven't been notified about it yet.
We are thanking the Lord for Jason (the dad from the family who gave us this information) because he made the extra effort to find out what was going on and even had a chance to hold M and pray over him. We are SO thankful for that! (And if you have a minute go read about Jason's family and their updates from Ethiopia.) Please just pray that M would begin to eat well again and that the Lord would comfort his sweet little heart that is having to process way too much. Hopefully we will have an update soon about his condition.
Thank you for praying with us and for us!
Posted by Kate at 7:06 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My favorite
We found several really cute things for M this weekend, but this one has to be my favorite!
I can't wait to see him in it!
Posted by Kate at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: our boy
Monday, June 1, 2009
Care package
We are still floating around here, trying to get accustomed to the reality that we have a son. We spent the weekend doing some shopping, gathering items that we could send over to little M. A fellow America World family has agreed to take his package for us and they are leaving on Friday to pick up their two little girls. Haven and I got it all packed up and sent off in hopes that it will arrive at their house on Wednesday with no problems.
With Haven's help we picked out two outfits, a frog toy, a touch and feel book, an adorable little stuffed dog and filled up a photo album with pictures of us. Haven has slept with the dog for the last two nights. Stuffed animals around here tend to get crazy as Haven always has stories about her beloved Zeebee and Bun-Bun jumping, kicking and tickling her when they are supposed to be sleeping. We thought it best that Haven have time to "train" the new dog in proper bedtime behavior before he went to sleep with her brother. She reported that he didn't do very well!
At some point I need to write down our referral call story and how I told Nicole to shut up more than once, but today is not that day. We're so thankful to the Egly's for taking our package and hope that this is the only one we get to send because M will be home that soon!
Posted by Kate at 10:49 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
It's a boy!
I have never been so happy in my life to be proven wrong! WE GOT OUR REFERRAL TODAY! We are still reeling from the news (in the best possible way) and trying to wrap our minds around this beautiful little boy that is our SON! We have a healthy one year old boy waiting for us in Ethiopia! More details to come...
PS- Who else is laughing at the post I wrote earlier today?
Posted by Kate at 8:15 PM 6 comments
Labels: referral
Nine months and an update
Nine months. It brings tears to my eyes to even have to write that we've been waiting this long. And unfortunately, there is no end in sight. There are several reasons for the slow down and I will attempt to explain why in as few words as possible. The biggest factor, at least in our understanding, is that the Ethiopian court system is investigating all current cases where the child was abandoned. While the investigation is going on, no families with a referral for an abandoned child are passing court. Our agency has told us that approximately 25% of the children they work with were abandoned. Our agency doesn't just match up a child with the next family in line. They are prayerful about their matches and are now in a very difficult situation. We don't know this for a fact, but I have a feeling that part of the hold up is that the next few families in line for referrals were perhaps abandonment cases and the agency is trying to figure out what to do with these kids and the families. Wait it out? No one knows how long this investigation is going to last. Match a child with a different family? I do not envy the people working on our behalf in Ethiopia right now. They are faced with a difficult situation. I am so thankful that the Ethiopian courts are doing all they can to get rid of corruption in their adoption process, but it's hard to be on the other side of it just waiting.
Our agency has also had other issues the last few weeks that have made it impossible for families to pass court it seems. One judge will accept a particular paper this way, another judge won't. One judge allows something to be done one way and another says no. It's hard to keep up with! Again, I don't envy our agency's staff and all they have to deal with.
So what does all of this mean for us? We don't know. We just know we don't have our referral yet. The other piece of this that I haven't mentioned yet is that the Ethiopian courts will close entirely for the months of August and September. Referrals will still be given out, but we will obviously not have a court date during that time. That means that unless we get a referral in the next week or so (which is highly unlikely!), we will not be able to have a court date til October. We wouldn't travel until November then. Ugh. I hate even writing that out. Now I find myself hoping that we don't get our referral for a few more months. It's one thing to be longing for and hoping for our baby and wishing he were with us. It's another thing entirely to have a face and a name and to know details about him and to know all the things we're missing out on. My heart hurts just thinking about it. I think longing for the unknown will be easier then missing the known.
And we're sad, disappointed, frustrated. When we submitted our paperwork nine months ago we never in a million years thought that the court closures would delay us. We thought we'd be home and worrying about attachment issues and sleep deprivation. But we're not. This is the reality of where we are and I'm slowly accepting it. I don't like it and it makes me unbelievably sad, but being sad doesn't negate my trust in God. I still believe that His timing is perfect and that He is working all of this out in the way only He can. But right now in the midst of it, I feel a heaviness like none I've ever known. Knowing our baby is out there and waiting for us but we can't get to him because of bureaucracy is...painful. Not having any answers as to when all of this might change is frustrating. But this is international adoption and we knew there would be bumps on the road. We knew that delays, and court closures, and vacillating judges were all part of the equation. Perhaps we were just too naive to believe they would effect us.
Nine months. It's been a pretty easy ride for the most part. Maybe all that peace we've had for the last eight months was to prepare us for the lack of peace we feel now. So we might not have any answers to the questions that swirl around in our minds, but we know a few things. God is always good. He's always working things out for our good. He has a plan and a purpose for us and for our family. And He's always good.
Posted by Kate at 6:15 AM 2 comments
Labels: details, heart check, the wait
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Another month gone by...
April came and went with no referral for our family. We were so hopeful at the end of March because there had been so many referrals; we thought for sure April was our month. It wasn't. And on Wednesday, what marked our eighth month of waiting I was not okay with this. I was frustrated and upset and getting way ahead of myself by making trouble out of situations that don't even exist. Thankfully, we've been out of town and haven't had much internet access. If we had, the post I would have written on Wednesday wouldn't have been a good one.
But today is Saturday and I'm feeling hopeful that this waiting will soon come to end. I'm hopeful that this longing for my baby will soon me matched to a face.
So will May be our month? Only the Lord knows, but tonight I'm hopeful because I know it's in His hands.
Posted by Kate at 7:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: heart check, the wait
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Seven months have passed since we sent off that fat stack of papers to Ethiopia. I honestly can't believe it. We have steadily moved up the list in waiting for our referral with our agency giving out 20 referrals in March! That is amazing! We are hopeful that April is going to be our month.
On Friday there was a great deal of activity with the families of America World and seeing our names move up the list hit me hard; like freaking out! I felt such a wave of excitement that was more intense then anything I've experienced thus far. I truly believe that the Lord has been protecting my heart and mind through this journey and helped me to just be in the moment with our family now, while hoping for the days to come. But that really changed for me on Friday. I am feeling the weight of what's to come in a whole new way. I am excited, scared, overwhelmed, hopeful, and eager. It's a wonderful place to be and I praise the Lord that He's waited til this point in our journey to let me experience all of this. I couldn't have handled feeling like this for the last 7 months!
And now for a few details...we are really hopeful that we'll receive our referral by this time next month. Once we accept our referral we will have a court date set which will be approximately 2 months later (June perhaps) and we will travel a few weeks after we pass court. We have already begun praying that we will pass court our first time around and would ask you to do the same. Our best guess is that we will travel in July to bring that baby home. We are eagerly awaiting that day!
Posted by Kate at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: details, heart check
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Six months and five pairs of shoes
We have been DTE for six months. Six months! When we submitted our dossier the wait time was 5-7 months so we seriously thought that we could have our referral by now. But we don't; and we're okay with that. As it stands right now, our best guess is that we are somewhere in the early teens on the boy wait list and in the later teens for a girl. Honestly there is no way of knowing how it will all work out. We are continually having to rest in the promise that the Lord is in control and knows exactly where our baby is and when we will be together. Easier said then done some days!
Posted by Kate at 6:42 AM 4 comments
Labels: heart check, the wait
Thursday, January 29, 2009
5 months down, a few more to go (?)
It's hard to believe that five months have gone by since we sent our paperwork in. How time flies over the holidays. We've been busy with family gatherings - for Christmas in Nashville, and here at our house this month for all of the January birthdays (and Kate's big 30th). We've been a bit down and out with a couple of rounds of illness. Between a stomach bug and recurring colds we're ready for a break. The weather has been cold and snowy of late. About five inches of snow and a quarter inch of ice greeted us yesterday morning and Cale has enjoyed yesterday and today at home after work was closed due to the weather. I just looked up the weather in Addis Ababa and it's in the mid 60s today. I learned that the weather is pretty fair and relatively steady year round there; quite different from here in Ohio with our seasonal swings. I also just learned, and it came as a I surprise to me, that the elevation of Addis Ababa is over 7,700 feet above sea level! Anyway...
We're getting excited as we realize that each days brings up closer to the day when we leave to go to Ethiopia to bring home our boy! We expect that we're over halfway done with the wait and as the time grows shorter our hearts yearn to have him with us. Hopefully soon!
-- cale
Posted by Kate at 2:00 PM 0 comments